Hello, my name is Diego Semmler.
I am from the German town Laubach, the most beautiful town of the world as written in a song.
After my PhD study in physics at technical university of Darmstadt I currently work as consultant and found a start up.
My greatest hobbies are politics, programming and the creation of websites.
I am glad, that you visit my homepage and which you much fun during surfing.
Out of protest against Putin's attack war on Ukraine and as a symbol of co-exploration for all Ukrainians, the background of my homepage now shows the Ukrainian flag.
На знак протесту проти загарбницької війни Путіна проти України та як символ солідарності для всіх українців на фоні моєї домашньої сторінки тепер зображено український прапор.
Из протеста против нападения Путина на Украине и как символ сосредоточения для всех украинцев, фон моей домашней страницы теперь показывает украинский флаг.
Latest news::
The land tax calculator can calculate the land tax B (und C) for all municipals in Hesse.
Due to the upcoming municipal law reform in the state of Hesse, the seat allocation calculator now also supports the d'Hondt method.
The image editing program ClearScript is available as free online version.
Today I'm going to visit the organic chicken farm of Sebastian March in Biebertal.